Writer's Digest

Love to Hate Them: Four types of unlikable characters and how to make them work in your writing
Writer's Digest

Do protagonists have to be likable? In this article, I talk about strategies for successfully writing different types of unlikable characters.


Writer's Digest

Off the Path: Tips for Writing Genre Fiction While Neurodivergent
Writer's Digest

This article is close to my heart. In it, I discuss tips for working with your neurodivergence rather than battling against it in order to get words on the page.

MAY 2022

Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy

Magic Systems Made Stronger With Science
Dan Koboldt’s Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy Series


I put my Biology degree to good use talking about how to incorporate real world science into writing magic systems.


Writer's Digest

Through the Eyes of The Beast: Writing Non-human POVs
Writer's Digest

Fantasy is wrought with non-human points of view, and I talk about some considerations to take when your characters don’t suffer from the human condition.


Writer's Digest

Trope: My Favorite Dirty Word
Writer's Digest

Tropes serve a valuable purpose in genre fiction, and this article is my love letter to them!

February 2020

Spawning Monsters with Biology

Spawning Monsters with Biology
Dan Koboldt’s Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy Series


JUNE 2019

Writer's Digest

Why Writers Should Embrace Their Weird Side
Writer's Digest

I bare my soul in this piece to talk about how your differences can help you find your voice.

MAY 2022

Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy

Organic Worldbuilding Through Ecology
Dan Koboldt’s Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy Series

Putting that Biology degree to work to talk about worldbuilding.

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